2SPOT is a non-profit organization created in 2019 by 5 amateur astronomers in order to install a remote observatory in Chile.
    Mainly dedicated to spectroscopy, 2SPOT aims to contribute to various pro/am collaboration programs. The equipment has been installed in Chile during May 2021.


Stéphane Charbonnel: ​stephane.charbonnel@2spot.org
Olivier Garde: olivier.garde@2spot.org
Pascal Le Dû: pascal.ledu@2spot.org
Lionel Mulato: lionel.mulato@​2spot.org
Thomas Petit: thomas.petit@​2spot.org


All the generous donors who have contributed to our fundraising efforts as well as:
!!! ALERT NOVA !!!
Monitoring of the new discovered Nova V1723 Sco (PNV J17261813-133809354)
    13 February 2024 - Thomas Petit
Following the discovery from Andrew Pearce (Australia) on February 2nd, the 2SPOT Team (Stéphane Charbonnel, Olivier Garde, Pascal Le Dû, Lionel Mulato and Thomas Petit) decided to observe this object and start a follow up with their eShel spectrograph...
Press release from the 2SPOT team
A planetary collision afterglow and transit of the resultant debris cloud
    14 October 2023 - Thomas Petit
Comment une équipe d’astronomes amateurs s’est retrouvée co-autrice dans une publication scientifique de renommée internationale

Une association d’astronomes amateurs
2SPOT[1] est...
Nova Sco 2023
Monitoring of the new discovered Nova Sco 2023 (PNV J17224490-4137160)
    24 April 2023 - Thomas Petit
According to an alert emited a few days ago, we decided to make some spectra of this new discovered nova as soon as possible. We were able to provide optical spectrum of nova Sco 2023 after the alert. The spectrum was taken on Saturday 22nd of April with...
Atel #15435 - 2SPOT
Spectroscopic monitoring of bright Galactic nova ASASSN-22hw
    15 June 2022 - Thomas Petit
Un suivi de la nova galactique ASASSN-22hw (aussi AT 2022mmp) que nous avons effectué avec quelques spectres issus de notre observatoire au Chili. Merci à Jaroslav Merc pour la rédaction de cet Atel.

L'Atel est disponible à l'adresse...

©2spot - All rights reserved

Stéphane Charbonnel: ​stephane.charbonnel@2spot.org
Olivier Garde: olivier.garde@2spot.org
Pascal Le Dû: pascal.ledu@2spot.org
Lionel Mulato: lionel.mulato@​2spot.org
Thomas Petit: thomas.petit@​2spot.org

Association law of 1901
Declared to the prefecture of Isère on 09/29/2019
Recognized as being of general scientific interest
SIRET number: 877 987 974 00012
APE code: 9499Z